Your NAOS Maintenance Responsibilities

Posted October 7, 2015

Drainage Easements, Natural Area Open Spaces (“NAOS”) and Open Spaces as depicted on the subdivision property plat maps (including the AW Estates Plat Map) typically extend beyond the perimeter walls of the homes in the subdivision. The City of Scottsdale reports that approximately 30% of the individual properties in AW Estates include such areas.

These Drainage Easement areas and NAOS areas are owned by the respective homeowner bordering each area and are NOT considered HOA common areas. Consequently, this means that maintenance of such areas is the responsibility of the individual homeowners and not that of the HOA.

After having conducted a preliminary walkthrough of the NAOS areas of our subdivision, the AW Estates board of directors has reached the conclusion that each of the HOAs homeowners needs to trim around the exterior walls of their homes in such a manner as to (i) create a defensible perimeter around their properties and (ii) to remove the invasive plant growth that is overtaking some areas of our HOA.  This is necessary to reduce the risk of  extreme fire hazards in our desert community. The City of Scottsdale has published two guides to help you in this area (the Scottsdale NAOS Maintenance Guide and the Scottsdale Invasive Weeds Guide). Links to these guides can be found in the right hand column of this web page.

The Board is asking that you, as a responsible HOA member, have the necessary plant removal / trimming done by the end of the year (December 31, 2015).  It is our intention to ask the City of Scottsdale Fire Department to conduct an inspection of our HOA in early 2016 for fire safety purposes. Any necessary work that has not been done by then may result in you, as a homeowner, receiving a Notice of Violation letter, in accordance with our subdivision’s CC&Rs, requiring you to have the necessary work completed.  We believe giving you till the end of the year should be more than a sufficient amount of time to complete this important maintenance.  To assist you, we intend to provide a dumpster in the Aster cul-de-sac over a period covering two weekends (from November 6 through November 16, 2015), in case you wish to use it for your trimmings.

If you have any questions regarding your maintenance obligations, feel free to call your HOA Board President, Stanley Bronstein at (480) 797-5547 or to email him by using the Contact Form on this site.  He’ll be happy to help you navigate the process. Additionally, a list of landscapers who have previously done work in your subdivision can be found at the end of this page.

Thank you.

Your HOA Board


Some landscapers who have done work previously in AWEstates are:

JE Landscaping (Jose Espinoza) (602) 653-4957
Superior Landscape – (602) 989-7009
Landmark Landscape- (602) 318-4903
Two Brothers- (480) 232-0558
Sunny Arizona – (480) 342-9000

Disclaimer: The above service providers have been used successfully by AWE residents. The listing does not constitute an endorsement or recommendations by the AW Estates Homeowners’ Association. We suggest you contact the service provider for references and further information.

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<b><center><br><a href="">AW Estates<br>Plat Map<br>(Click To Download)<br><img src=""></a><br>~~~~~<br><a href="">City of Scottsdale<br>NAOS Maintenance Guide<br>(Click To Download)<br><img src=""></a><br>~~~~~<br><a href="">City of Scottsdale<br>Invasive Weeds Info<br>(Click To Download)<br><img src=""></a></center></b>